Massive Open Online Courseware (MOOCs) are University courses made available over the Internet without charge to a very large number of people.
Future Learn
Coursera (You have to search specifically for the free courses)
Udemy (You have to search specifically for the free courses)
More online courseware
List of all MOOCs
I can personally vouch for the Resilience Course provided by EdX and the 'Good Brain Bad Brain' course provided by University of Birmingham via Future Learn. Great way of connecting with others (all over the world) who are interested in the subject, too.
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I'm trying to make sure that the calendar function is up to date, but this may take some time with covid changes to our lives and to the...
To find free stuff to do in Norwich, you can search the calendar for events today or in the future, or find something specific using the search bar on the right.
Please note, I'm returning to this blog after a long break. I'm trying to make sure that the calendar function is up to date, but this may take some time
Please bear with me, and always check with the organiser that the event is going ahead!
I love getting feedback! Or if you have any suggestions for posts please contact or via the facebook page