It's Baltimore, 1999. Hae Min Lee, a popular high-school senior, disappears after school one day. Six weeks later detectives arrest her classmate and ex-boyfriend, Adnan Syed, for her murder. He says he's innocent - though he can't exactly remember what he was doing on that January afternoon. But someone can. A classmate at Woodlawn High School says she knows where Adnan was. The trouble is, she’s nowhere to be found.
Thanks to Sophie Crow for the link!
Other top-rated podcasts (as suggested by the Independent)
This American Life
“I'm Ira Glass. Each week on our program, we choose a theme and bring you different kinds of stories on that theme.” Essential listening since 1995.
Mark Kermode and Simon Mayo's Film Reviews
The 5 Live duo review the big releases and argue in an occasionally uncivil partnership that has become a radio and podcasting institution.
Slate’s Culture Gabfest
High, low and mid-brow cultural musings from the pretentious yet winning Stephen Metcalfe, kept in check by Julia and Dana.
Call Your Girlfriend
“Long distance besties” in the US discuss, among other things, “menstruation news, Kimye, Hillary Clinton, racism, emoji, rom-coms and Lorde lipstick.”
No Such Thing As A Fish
Q.I spinoff in which the researchers who make Stephen Fry look smart consider a fact each - and throw in some gags.
Welcome to Night Vale
US cult megahit presented as a radio show from the fictional titular town. “The news from Lake Wobegon as seen through the eyes of Stephen King."
The Bugle
John Oliver and fellow Brit comedian Andy Zaltzman “powerhose premium-calibre satirical hogwash over planet Earth”.
Butcher’s Apron
British sleeper hit with big youth audience, using stories to “investigate artistic, cultural and scientific eccentricities”.
Three top journalists satisfy your post-Serial true-crime habit, examining a new case each week.
99% Invisible
Highly-rated American series of stories about design, architecture and “the 99% invisible activity that shapes our world”.