Cie. Willi Dorner
Friday 8 May, 2pm
Saturday 9 & Sunday 10 May, 6pm
The UK premiere of fitting, an outdoor performance by Willi Dorner Company, invites the audience to interpret the urban landscape with fresh eyes. Literally ‘fitting’ themselves into a multitude of nooks and crannies, the performers forge new relationships between the city and the body as they interact with their surroundings in completely unexpected ways.
Choreographer Willi Dorner is renowned for creating events that give the audience an opportunity for new experiences, insights and a different perception of everyday life. Featuring exceptional local performers, the cityscape is transformed as ideas relating to the urban environment and the body are challenged and explored.
FREE - Places are limited, please email to book a place stating whether you would like to see the show on Friday 8, Saturday 9 or Sunday 10 May
Performance runs: c. 60 mins
Visit Cie. Willi Dorner's website here
Free Outdoor Programme sponsor
Lafarge Tarmac
More info