Café Conversations
The last three of the current literature, culture & language series by UEA staff and students. All at the White Lion Café, White Lion Street, at 2pm.Here Be Monsters
Wed 1 May 2013
Vampires and zombies stalk the contemporary cultural landscape. What makes these modern representations of monstrosity such a pervasive force. What do they mean? Monstrosity provides a way of expressing fears or taboos, a symbolic representation for what is unknown or misunderstood and a way of designating 'otherness'.
Can Machines Translate?
Wed 8 May
How far can machines carry out the task of translation? Even before modern computers were invented, authors such as H.G. Wells and popular science fiction such as Star Trek had imagined ‘universal translators’. Do recent advances like Google Translate and smartphones bring these technologies within our grasp? What are their uses and limits?
The Writing of Disaster
Wed 15 May
It has been said that disaster shuts down language, renders words meaningless and art inadequate. How can we describe or depict the indescribable, put words to suffering and trauma when it is so total? This café will pose questions such as: What kind of cultural representation of disaster is possible or, indeed, necessary? What role do ethics play in the writing of disaster? What can words really achieve in light of such trauma?
For more details see