Norwich Pride
Norwich Pride is a celebration from the LGBT community for everyone. Our mission is to ensure that Norwich is a city where everyone can feel safe and proud to be themselves. Norwich Pride is a grass-roots, do-it-yourself celebration organised by a collective of friendly, creative & enthusiastic volunteers.Pride House
Central to the Pride 5 Festival is the Pride House – an installation of art and photography in the Atrium of the Forum celebrating the history of Norwich Pride. With comfy sofas to relax in and tables to work on, the Pride House will be an inspirational meeting space throughout the celebrations. Every day will have a different theme and there will be talks, stalls, exhibitions and workshops.
Here's a taster for Monday -
Monday 22 July 2013: LOVE
11am at The Forum “Get Hitched with Pride” a celebration of Equal Love12pm-3pm Carnival Arts Workshop at The Forum: create props and costumes for the Pride Parade with Pat Howe from Spirit of Carnival.
1pm Music workshop at The Forum: Writing love songs with Kimberley Moore.
2pm Pride Art School at St Margarets Church of Art, St Benedicts Street, Norwich: ‘Celebrate or demonstrate: top tips for capturing special, memorable events’ from Ann Nicholls, Look, See, Click Photography.
3pm Talk at The Forum: Writing Lesbian Romance by novelist Andrea Brammell.
6.10pm Out at the Movies at Cinema City: LES INVISIBLES Enlightening documentary from Sébastien Lifshitz exploring the lives of eleven French gay men and women over the age of 70.
6.30pm Pride Live! on Future Radio 107.8fm followed by My Pride Life with Eric Gitari, Human Rights lawyer from Out In Kenya