Norfolk's Children's Centres provide a range of services, many of which are free, that support all parents and carer's to give their child the best start in life.
Children's Centre's can offer help and advice on child and family health, parenting, money and employment as they work in partnership with other people and organisations to deliver services including Job Centre Plus, health visitors, midwives and GPs. They also work with community groups who provide nursery care and early learning such as childminders, pre-school's, childcare providers and community groups to provide access to universal early year's services.
All Norfolk's Children's Centre's aim to support every child and every family in their community and can offer specialist support to families who have a child with special educational needs and or disabilities however complex or challenging their needs may be.
Access to Early Learning and Childcare
Parental Support
Health Services
Helping parents into work
Links with the Family Information Service