Woofs and Wellbeing - Thu 22 Sep 11am - 3pm
At the Norfolk and Norwich Millennium Library
Information stalls, activities and a dog Café with PAT dogs Abbee,
Bailey and Mig. Stalls include Norwich MIND, Books on Prescription, History Pin,
4Women Centre – Little Boxes of Hope and Norfolk Library Service
Drop-in Activities
- 11.30am-12.30pm and 1.30pm-2.30pm Dog Café on the ground floor
- 11am-12pm Adult Colouring on the 1st floor
- 11am-3pm Hand Reflexology on the ground floor
- 2pm-3pm Play and Laughter session on the 2nd floor
Bookable Activities
- 11am-12pm Pilates taster session
- 12.15pm-1.15pm Yoga taster session